All About Shanna...

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I am a 28 year old Christian Wife to Les and SAHM of 5 boys and 2 girls... Naomi(14), Elijah(7), Ian(5), Jake(4), Xander(4), Rachel(4), and Aiden(2). Alabama born and raised... I love things the way God made them NATURAL... Some call me a Hippie, I call me a Well-Informed Healthy Stewardess of the Body, the children, and the world God blessed me with.

Friday, March 6, 2009

When your kitchen needs a splash of color....

It is fast and easy to add color to your kitchen:) You can do as I did and start by deciding to dye yarn in rainbow colors on your kitchen counter with the kids running around and trying to cook supper at the same time... let a little splash out of the bowl here and there... take your sweet time to attempt to wipe it up. By the way, this is also a great way to get multi-colored bath towels too!!! In the end you have beautiful yarn with counter tops and towels to match. If only I could sell this as a "set" on hyena cart!!!
I always wanted pink, green, yellow, and blue counter tops in my kitchen:)! Every girl's Barbie house dream right!?!
Well... lets see what "Ken" has to say about it in the morning:)