All About Shanna...

My photo
I am a 28 year old Christian Wife to Les and SAHM of 5 boys and 2 girls... Naomi(14), Elijah(7), Ian(5), Jake(4), Xander(4), Rachel(4), and Aiden(2). Alabama born and raised... I love things the way God made them NATURAL... Some call me a Hippie, I call me a Well-Informed Healthy Stewardess of the Body, the children, and the world God blessed me with.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It is so wonderful to be.........


........ LOVED. The day it snowed 2/12/10 .... Les brought these beautiful tulips home to me. He never ceases to amaze me. Always thoughtful, always going the extra mile, and always seems so happy to do it all! I love this man. All these years I had came to the belief that Prince Charming was only a fairy tale. Well, I found him! He rode in on his white horse and swept me right off my feet. Everytime I think me feet are about to touch the ground again, he does something else to sweep them from under me again. I told him from the beginning that he was "Persistantly Charming" it is either his blessing or his curse. Either way the boys are picking up on it fast. Jake is the ultimate little charmer. Girls better watch out for him in a few years.
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010






Snow is a rare sight this far South! Although it only lasted a day, the kids had a BLAST. Elijah and Ian missed out on all of our fun, they were gone to North Alabama with their Dad. What a fun filled day of snow ball fights, grassy/muddy snow angels, and a dirty snowman :) Les pegged Xander right in the ear with a big snow ball, and poor Aiden took the brunt of many snow balls because everybody picks on the little guy. The beautiful white dusting 2 days before Valentine's day made the weekend seem all the more romantic; especially since Les brought home a beautiful bouquet of Tulips for me that day.
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Monday, March 29, 2010

When you can't have the real thing...


Well, we do live in South/Central Alabama... so sometimes we just have to have some fake winter sports. Who says you can't have a snowball fight in the livingroom? Remember that messy painting a few days before? Well kids, now you get to rip down the painted paper from the walls, tear it into pieces, ball it up, and throw it at each other!!!! As you can see they thouroghly enjoyed the priviledge. They split into two teams of three and spend an hour throwing "snowballs" at each other. After they tired of that we sat a trash can in the center of the floor and and began tossing them in. Indoor winter games can be ALMOST as fun as the outdoor ones. The next week after these pics were taken it snowed for real... So my next blog will be the real thing.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cut, Snip, Paste


CAUTION! Creative little minds at work WITH SISSORS! It is amazing what kids come up with when given blank paper, sissors, and glue. Their creations are like taking an ink blot test, but they are so proud. I have gotten used to nodding knowingly and saying "oh yes, I see. That does look just like a _____."
On this day they all made placemats.
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Colorful Kids ... one of many fun days over the last few months

The pictures speak for themselves. While the paint washed off the floor and walls well with water... it proved harder to wash off the kids. Nonetheless, they had a blast. Bigger mess equals bigger fun! I sure do love these kids.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

So why are there only 6 kids in the photo?

Have you ever tried to get a moody 14 year old girl to cooperatively take a picture with a group of kids??? :)
 Here is a piture of the beautiful Spanish Princess Naomi... (Valentine's Day 2010, her first day ever wearing make-up)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bye Bye shaggy surfer boy hair


I finally cut Aiden's hair again.... I just love his shaggy surfer locks, but it was time for a trim up before the poor boy went blind. I just don't know if I will ever have the heart to buzz off a boy's hair!
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WOW... A whole year has went by....

Oh my how things have changed! I wanted to get into the blogging thing before, but just lost interest. Since I created this thing a year ago SOOOOOOO much has changed. Divorce, re-marriage, and going from being a mama of 3 to a mama of SEVEN. And the biggest thing that has changed is that I AM HAPPY AND LOVED!

My boys' still see their dad often and seem to have a better relationship with him now than ever before. I can see that he is a much better dad to them now that he is not being the ultimate role model of how NOT to be a husband in front of them.

Now onto the LOVE OF MY LIFE... Charles Leslie Chamblee (Les)! Who ever knew that there was such a man... Christian, Thoughtful, Romantic, Loving, Family-Oriented, Adores his children and mine, Hard-Working, All around Handy Mr. Fix-It, Affectionate, and did I say ROMANTIC! <3>
Hopefully I will get around to blogging about all of our activities and such... but who knows, I usually don't find as much time for internet as I want to... As I type I hear the dishes calling my name!